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Companioning  Program

        Helping you grow relationally so that you can be fully in the coupled life that you deserve

With the help of your

team at CORE, you'll grow

in the areas YOU need most,

allowing you to

ignite, cultivate, and maintain hopeful momentum within your relationship

We do things a little bit differently...

             ...and, according to our clients, that’s a good thing:

           Our research shows that sustainable progress happens as the result of daily interaction with a knowledgeable, all-in support system... rather than as the result of once-weekly therapy sessions;


           That daily interaction is precisely what we offer through CORE’s relationship support program: We call it "Companioning®" because one of our professional team of highly skilled relationship healers walks in-step with you, providing structured, personalized daily support

This program works because it combines the essentials of adult attachment-based neurobiology, and active intimacy-bvilding in a collaborative, guided-growth structure that establishes real changes in the brain and creates hope, receptivity, understanding and openness

Combining this with intensives, ongoing individual & group work, somatic and other methodologies and other interventions that we provide you,  a synergy is created

and your progress becomes highly accelerated 

"It's like having a personal-growth assistant supporting you wherever you are" - BB

Program Details

Discover and deepen hope for your intimate relationship
...including the relationship  you have with yourself
Holding Plant
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The Companioning Program is yours so it can be for either partner in a couple or both partners


Once a part of the program, you will be assigned an advisor from the CORE Team based upon your specific needs and that advisor's unique set of skills. As your needs change, so might your advisor

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CORE will customize a Program that meets your unique needs - based upon input from you, your referring therapist or coach AND our dynamic team of relationship specialists.


From there, you'll interact with a designated relationship advisor - every morning and every night.


To help you ignite and maintain momentum, we’ll invite you to utilize a quick set of short reflection questions, adapted by our team to facilitate growth in the areas YOU need most

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Consistent, every day, healthy

reinforcement and course-correction has been shown in neurological studies to change the brain's established defense and reactive networks which creates hope, faith in emotional vulnerability, behavior changes assertiveness, and belief in self and unity.


Establishing and developing an advisor relationship creates, over time, comfort in being emotionally vulnerable with only support and understanding, not judgment.

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Twice each day, you will write your reflections on poignant questions our team has developed for you.


Your selected advisor will read them and respond supportively, with suggestions for emerging areas of growth, or provide some education on what is coming up for you.


CORE's senior staff will either be, and/or supervise, your advisor. The team is also kept in the loop so that any member can advise you when you need it

Wooden Pieces
Planning Travels
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You'll send your reflections to your advisor via email and responses will be sent by email reply.

You also have the ability to go to another level of program and add as many sessions, including 15-minute daily check-ins, to your monthly plan as you feel would be benefit you

Wooden Toy Clock
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You'll have an initial session with a member of our senior staff who will listen and help assess your needs.


From there, you'll be assigned an advisor who we feel has the most appropriate skill-set to provide for your immediate needs.

How do I get started?

Please simply email us at,
or call her at

and we'll schedule you for a no-cost preliminary consultation with Sharon Rinearson, our Director of Clinical Services.
Based upon that consultation, we’ll customize and launch your CORE
Companioning Program
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