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More Testimonials

" I am not who I used to be. I have passed that point in my life thanks to CORE's trauma IOP."

"I cannot express in words how much CORE has supported and loved me throughout this turbulent period of my life. The staff has been so accommodating and loving, it honestly makes me want to cry."

"Sharon, James and the CORE team have given me a whole new perspective and tools for my recovery. They are dedicated and caring. Thank you all!"

"The individuals at CORE, both professionals and peers, have been invaluable to me these past few months. Reaching out to others with similar experience for emotional support, learning the complexities involved in trauma and addiction, and recognizing the importance of and implementing self-care are but a few of the tools necessary for healing that have been stressed in my sessions at CORE."

"Dynamic therapists. I wish I could have stayed longer."

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"The therapy and knowledge CORE teaches has enriched my life 100 percent. I have been given a deeper level of understanding of my core issues, and have been given a wide range of therapeutic tools that successfully stops and arrests my self-destructive behaviors." 

"Love you guys! My therapists were fearless, using their hearts and souls."

"The therapy offered at CORE is no doubt a cutting edge modality that transcends  thoughts and concepts; CORE allows for an actual, real-world application to take place. CORE has successfully treated my inner-most wounds and has shifted my life's trajectory toward a plateau of healing, love and oneness.

THANK YOU, CORE, for giving me my life back."

"During my week long intensive, I felt safe and cared for. The treatment experience was phenomenal."

"I feel my feelings in my body now and that lets me do something about them before they become a problem.... I know how to so many things differently - healthy! -  because of the way CORE treats all of my problems."

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"We are grateful for the expertise of James & Sharon while we navigate through this journey. Their innovative approach has brought a new awareness of "self" and healing. Thank you, CORE!"

"Recent positive changes I have seen in my husband seem authentic, and I can only attribute this to his response to the hardworking team at CORE. Through their personal experiences, ongoing trainings, and involvement in the specialized therapeutic community of trauma and addiction, the team at CORE is highly skilled at helping my husband and me look deep within ourselves and gain insight. We have begun to create healthy boundaries for ourselves, so that we may experience a fuller, more satisfying journey as we heal."

"I am rarely at a loss for words but, right now, I feel like a newborn; that the only way to communicate is through emotions and my heart. Somewhere between the "Aha!" moments, I am able to find the strength in making today the first day of my life"

"You have lit in me hope. Hope of loving myself differently... Hope of making choices with confidence... and hope of showing up for myself with courage and confidence, not fear."

"Thank you so much for helping me take the leap into my Brave Space! My husband and I are finally becoming the "We" I have always dreamed of."

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Professional Testimonials*

"Having searched for over a year to find a suitable partners intensive for clients who would need a higher level of care along their journey, I received a glowing recommendation from my former supervisor stating that CORE was among his top picks. It turned out to be one of the most fortuitous connections for me. The therapists at CORE are not only gifted in empathy, but have a depth of experience that give them many tools from which to draw for even the most profound traumatic conditions. Moreover, they have a personal balance that is evident as their own “default”: the ability to re-center after going the extra mile, even unexpectedly, with clients. The therapists at CORE have an astonishing ability to flow during their sessions with a mixture of clinical skills, level-headedness, and spiritual intuition that has taken my client and others to places that prove to be critical and life-saving for them and for their children."

"CORE blends its expertise of cutting-edge research on Sex & Love Addiction, and years of clinical savvy, with a boundaried and open-hearted approach to treating partner betrayal trauma. CORE's approach helps partners understand their maladaptive schemas that have made them vulnerable to tolerating unacceptable behavior. Without ever blaming partners, the therapists at CORE skillfully empower clients to find their voice, and begin showing up for themselves. The experience at CORE was transformative for my patient and I will be referring to them again." 

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